As November begins, many of us look to the end of the month and celebrating around a table of good food. This year, we may be able to do that or we may not; given that the pandemic has affected so many facets of our lives especially our ability to spend time with people we care about deeply. So while this may be a very different season for most of us, it is still a time to give thanks.
You see, Thanksgiving is a time when we are thankful for a variety of reasons. We celebrate because we have food to eat. We celebrate because God has brought us through another year. We celebrate because many of us can relax that day. And the list goes on…
Scripture says that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made. We are diverse and similar all at the same time. We come together to thank God for blessings which for many of us overlap, and in the center of it all, is the fact that we are loved and forgiven and made new by Christ. And that is why we worship. We worship centered on thankfulness and praise and then we respond to our God with kindness and generosity. May God bless you this Thanksgiving and during the upcoming holiday season.
Psalm 139:14
I give you thanks because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.